The Queen's 'official' rat catcher

The story of Jack Black, self proclaimed rat catcher to Queen Victoria, and 149 other people, places and objects are coming to you this May as we celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Wandsworth Common Act, passed by Parliament in July 1871, keeping the Common forever ‘open, unenclosed and unbuilt upon’.

Black had the reputation of being ‘the most fearless handler of rats’ and by the end of his career had been bitten nearly everywhere, ‘even where I can’t name to you, sir’ he said. ‘When a rat’s bite touches the bone, it makes you faint in a minute, and it bleeds dreadful.’

Times have changed since the 1800s but there are still rats around and always will be where there are humans, and dogs. What else would eat all that dog poo and fast food detritus?