9-10.30am: 🎪 Set-up of the ring, gazebos and exhibitors’ stands
10.30am-12noon: 📝 Registration: £3 per dog per category note
12-3pm: 🥳 The Show!! 🐶🐕🦺🐕🐩
10 great categories with space for 30 dogs in each and a final ‘Best in Show’ (fabulous prizes - details below)
Two 15 minute taster training sessions with Rebecca from SuperDogLondon
NB ☕ Bonsai café and The Hope pub will be offering special discounts on the day - details below.
3-4pm: Set-down of gazebos, stands etc.
Best child handler under 10 years of age 🐕
Best junior handler 10-16 years of age 🐕🦺
Best puppy (up to 2 years) 🐶
Best adult dog (3-8 years) 🐩
Best senior dog (9 years and over) 🐕
Best rescue dog 🐾
Best trick 🦴
Best loose lead 🐕🦺
Dog most like its owner! 🤓
The dog I would most like to paint 🎨
Best in Show 🤩
We are incredibly grateful to our Master of Ceremonies (MC), sports reporter extraordinaire, Isaac Fanin and our lineup of lovely judges, all of whom are local and many of whom will be known to you, either by face, name, reputation - or all three! They have all given their time for free and many have provided the wonderful prizes you are hoping to win!
We are also extremely grateful to our many generous sponsors, many of whom are also our judges, listed below, who have kindly donated fabulous prizes and some of whom will be exhibiting on the day. We urge you please to pay exhibitors’ stalls a visit to learn what they have to offer, or to learn something about your dog that you didn’t know, or need to find out, or to get something for your dog (or for someone else) that you either need or would like.
Special thanks also to Stuart Serjent of Serjent Design for our fliers, banners etc and Amanda Summons who will be our official photographer and available for private work as she chooses the day’s most photogenic dog.
Abi’s Fitness, Trinity Road (S): Vouchers for PT sessions https://abisfitness.com/
All Star Tennis (S): Member Plus voucher (up to 2 adults & 4 children) AllStarTennis.co.uk
Amanda Summons Creative (S): Official photographer and prize for the most photogenic dog - a 30 min photo shoot for your pooch (& you??) amandasummons.com
Beco Pets (S): A great selection of low environmental impact dog toys and treats https://becopets.com
Bellevue Bicycle Workshop (S): Child’s cycle helmet (5 & under) & bike tools pack
Bellevue Pharmacy (S & J): Toiletries packages https://www.nhs.uk/services/pharmacy/bellevue-pharmacy/FFE83
Bonsai Espresso Room (S): Voucher & 15% drinks discount on the day @bonsaiespressoroom
Carter Jonas (S): Magnum of champagne https://www.carterjonas.co.uk/estate-agents/london/wandsworth-common
Dilectio cafe (S): Bag of own brand coffee beans dilectiocoffee.co.uk
Dog and Groom (S): A full grooming pack and treat package https://www.dogandgroomshop.com/
D-O-G grooming studio (S): A full groom voucher & pet care items https://www.doggroomingstudio.net/
Holly Frean (S & J): A painting of your dog! & dog box of artist postcards https://www.hollyfrean.com/dogs
The Hope Pub (S): Bottle of prosecco + 10% food & drink d/c on the day TheHopePub
Julie Montague (S & J): A family rewilding walk at Mapperton Wildlands, Dorset https://mapperton.com
Knight Frank (S): A Fortnum & Mason hamper knightfrank.co.uk
MuthaPuppa (S): Bags of own brand dog biscuits https://www.muthapuppa.com/cart - online shop and weekend stall outside Gails, Northcote Road - on a mission to rescue dogs.
Native Son (S): Bag of own brand coffee beans @thenativeson
Oliver Bonas, Northcote Road (S): A variety of doggy accessories and treats
Olivier’s Lounge (S): Wandsworth Common mugs https://www.olivierslounge.co.uk/
Open Air Fit (S & J): Voucher for fitness training (EITHER 3 x kids camp sessions, OR 1 X 45 min 1:1 PT session, OR one month of unlimited circuits or over 60s sessions) https://openairfit.com/
Pizza da Valter (S): A pizza voucher https://www.hardens.com/az/restaurants/london/sw17/pizza-da-valter.htm
Rampton Baseley (S): Yeti insulated lunch bag, dog bowl & water bottle www.ramptonbaseley.com
Skylark Cafe (S): Voucher SkylarkCafe.co.uk
SuperDogLondon (S & J): A 1-2-1 training session https://superdoglondon.com/
Tana Ramsay (S & J): A table for 4 at the Bread Street Kitchen, Battersea Power Station
Wolfe Vets (J & S): 6 month Wolfe pack membership wolfevets.co.uk
Abi’s fitness, Trinity Road (S) https://abisfitness.com/
Beco Pets - low environmental impact and carbon footprint dog products (S) https://becopets.com
Dog and Groom, Bellevue Road (S) https://www.dogandgroomshop.com/
Open Air Fit (S & J) https://openairfit.com/
The Urban Vet (J), Earlsfield https://www.theurbanvet.co.uk
Wandsworth Borough Council Animal Welfare/dogs team (J)
Wandsworth Borough Council Parks Police (J)
Wolfe Vets, Chiswick & Fulham (J) https://www.wolfevets.co.uk/
Dogs and their owners are important users of the Common and can be a welcome sight for all if a few simple rules are followed. Mostly they are but sometimes they’re not. Warnings to dog owners are the second most frequent type of warning from the police issued on the Common.