Contact + Links — The Friends of Wandsworth Common

Contact us

Feel free to get in touch about the Common. However, bear in mind that it is Enable who manages the Common on behalf of the Council and you can contact them directly at Likewise for policing issues, Parks Police are contactable here.


We offer a number of volunteering opportunities and are always happy to discuss how you can help with our administration (membership/social media/website etc.), projects, events and outreach. It doesn’t have to be a regular commitment or time consuming. We can be flexible according to your availability.

We do regular litter picks on Mondays at 10am and organise people to bag up the swan and duck food that is sold in the Skylark Cafe. There are also monthly outdoor volunteer sessions organised by Enable, the third Tuesday of the month, usually involving aspects of woodland management. If you have other ideas for volunteering, let us know. We are particularly keen to engage with schools but unfortunately have very limited capacity to organise and supervise Duke of Edinburgh volunteers.

Do join The Friends to get further involved.

Wandsworth Common Map

Lost Property

If you have lost or found property, firstly, please make reasonable enquiries such as asking people nearby, enquiring in nearby premises or leaving a note with your details. Lost property is sometimes advertised on social media including

You can hand the item in to Skylark on the common, who will then hand it over to the Parks Police after a reasonable time. Check their box of found items.

Alternatively, please hand the item to a police officer or bring it to your local police station.

Parks Police contacts:

  • Parks Police patrolling mobile: 07500 959442

  • Parks Police General enquiries: 020 8871 7532


  • Metropolitan Police please dial 101 or bring the item with you to a local police station.